Birds Flying in Red Sky16 June 2011: At a Technical Workshop convened by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), experts agreed on recommendations regarding how the international community can assist migratory species in the context of climate change.

Participants in the workshop, held from from 6-8 June 2011, in Tour du Valat, France, assessed the impact of climate change on migratory species and formulated a roadmap for action, covering: appropriate monitoring, identification of most vulnerable species, spatial planning, the role of local people and legal matters. They concluded by agreeing on policy recommendations for CMS Parties. The recommendations will become the basis of a resolution on climate change at the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the CMS, taking place in Bergen, Norway, in November 2011.

The resolution will build upon the existing climate change mandates from CMS COP 5, COP 8 and COP 9, and is hoped to provide Parties with “concise and specific guidance on adaptation and mitigation measures,” according to the CMS Secretariat. [CMS Press Release] [Workshop Agenda]