UNDP22 June 2011: Speaking at the Board for the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Rebeca Grynspan, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Associate Administrator, stressed the role of energy access for achieving sustainable human development and accelerating progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), noting it can help keep children in school, deliver health services, and free women from the burden of time-consuming domestic activities. Grynspan also stressed the need for making universal energy access a reality to support human development that is equitable and sustainable.

She highlighted the potential of expanding clean energy solutions to address climate change challenges. She noted that the UN system – gathered at the Vienna Energy Forum – is advocating for global energy goals by 2030, including universal energy access, 40% energy intensity reduction and 30% renewable energy in global energy mix. She stressed that green growth and clean energy have to be inclusive and provide universal access.

Rebecca Grynspan highlighted that the universal energy access agenda needs to be incorporated into the discussions that will shape the post 2015 MDG Framework. She stressed that the need for universal energy access needs to be linked with the climate change agenda, and noted that about 90% of the clean energy investments are targeted to G-20 countries.

She indicated that UNDP will work with UNIDO and other UN agencies to achieve universal energy access and transition to sustainable energy alternatives. She recalled the UN Energy Access Facility, a joint initiative by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UNIDO and UNDP, which aims to expand energy access for the poor. [UNDP Press Release] [IISD RS Coverage of the Vienna Energy Forum]