25 June 2011: The 2011 Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum took place from 24-25 June 2011, in Cape Town, South Africa, and provided an opportunity for CIF stakeholders to: share their experiences of how the CIF are working in their countries; exchange lessons learned about what is most effective and discuss how the CIF can be expanded or improved; share on-the-ground achievements, challenges and knowledge; and help other CIF stakeholders apply lessons learned.

The Forum was organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank, in collaboration with other multilateral development bank (MDB) partners. It brought together approximately 450 participants, including representatives of governments, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations, UN agencies, indigenous peoples and the private sector.

The Forum aimed to: raise awareness of the CIF and the country selection process; provide feedback to the CIF governing bodies; and identify opportunities for further stakeholder participation. It included plenary sessions featuring stakeholder perspectives, experiences and reflections on CIF strategic directions, results and impacts; and panel discussions on ways to maximize the CIF’s impact at the country and sectoral levels. In addition, participants convened in a civil society organization (CSO) panel and eight breakout sessions on issues related to: private sector engagement in adaptation; climate-smart mobility; promoting clean technology manufacturing; innovative partnerships; climate modeling; financing transformation; wind energy; and working as partners at the country level. Participants also heard messages from pilot country meetings and presentations on lessons learned. A learning symposium on the latest developments in climate science was held, as well as a poster session showcasing evolving CIF programmes and projects in the CIF 45 pilot countries.

The Forum was preceded by meetings of the: pilot countries of the Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP); the Forest Investment Program (FIP) and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR); Clean Technology Fund (CTF) countries; the SREP Sub-Committee; the CTF Trust Fund Committee; and the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) Sub-Committee. In addition, CSO consultations for observer constituencies convened prior to the Forum. [IISD RS Coverage of the 2011 CIF Partnership Forum] [2011 CIF Partnership Forum Website]