July 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has reported that the first plannning meeting of the Ramsar Centre for Eastern Africa (RAMCEA) brought together partner States to discuss the operationalization of the Centre. The meeting aimed to: agree on the governance and structure of, and the Strategic Framework for, the RAMCEA; assess the capacity gaps of the different contracting parties; and inform partner States about the RAMCEA, tools for implementing the Ramsar Convention, and national and regional linkages.

The planning meeting was held from 15–17 November 2010, in Entebbe, Uganda, and was attended by participants from Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and a representative of Wetlands International Africa Office. After hearing technical presentations, participants carried out a capacity gaps analysis, which examined policy, institutional capacity, skills and funding in the region.

Participants also discussed and reached agreement on some strategic planning matters, including that: the RAMCEA “vision” is to be “a regional centre of excellence for cooperation, capacity development and sustainable wetland management;” its mission consists in strengthening institutions and coordinating wetland management through resource mobilization and experience sharing; and its overall goal is to establish well coordinated and networked institutions for wise use and conservation of wetlands in the region.

Country representatives also agreed country action plans, highlighting key actions to be undertaken, including: raising awareness of natural resource managers and stakeholders on the need for wetlands management; training on sustainable wetlands management; developing national wetlands strategies, wetlands policies and regulations; and documenting best practices and setting up a database for information sharing. [Meeting Report]