15 August 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has launched the 2011 UNFCCC/Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Photo and Video Contests, on the theme “CDM Changing Lives.” The contests aim to raise awareness about the CDM and showcase its value and benefits.

For the photo contest, striking images that showcase CDM projects or their related benefits are invited from both professional and amateur photographers. Photos will be judged on originality, technical excellence, artistic merit, and their persuasiveness in telling the story of the CDM on the theme “Changing Lives.”

For the video contest, video entries completing the phrase “People should know about this CDM project because…” are invited, and entries can range from animated shorts to mini-documentaries. The video contest is open to any individuals or groups, professional or amateur, and entries should tell an interesting CDM story and highlight its benefits.

The winning photos will be displayed at the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the UNFCCC, in Durban, South Africa, at the end of 2011. Submitted works could also feature prominently in important print and promotional material and on the UNFCCC website. The winning videos will also be presented at COP 17 and in addition, will feature prominently on the UNFCCC CDM website. [Contests Website]