17 October 2011: The Global Environment Facility (GEF), acting for the first time as a financial mechanism to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), is participating in a series of events at the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10), taking place in Changwon, Republic of Korea, from 10-21 October 2011.

The GEF presented a report to COP 10 highlighting programme and project activities in the focal area of land degradation from July 2009-June 2011, which totals an investment of US$60.6 million. The GEF is also co-organizing over 15 sessions at the COP’s Rio Conventions Pavilion, on topics related to sustainable land management, and a collaborative outreach activity involving the three Rio Convention Secretariats and a range of multilateral and bilateral partners.

The decision to act as as a financial mechanism to the UNCCD was taken at the fourth GEF Assembly in May 2010. [GEF Press Release] [IISD RS Coverage of UNCCD COP 10] [IISD RS Coverage of Fourth GEF Assembly]