September 2011: UN-Energy has published the second issue of its Newsletter, containing stories about new partnerships, events and publications related to UN-Energy’s work.

The newsletter highlights collaboration between the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and UN-Energy on the Clean Energy Solutions Center. The Center is a web-based platform that offers tools to assist in transitioning to greener growth. Specifically, it offers expert assistance, policy best practices, analysis tools, training and web seminars.

The newsletter also describes the “Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Bioenergy,” co-designed under the framework of UN-Energy by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The tool aims to help policymakers make decisions on bioenergy that guarantee potential benefits of bioenergy production are realized while avoiding negative side effects. Specifically, the tool aims to help: ensure universal access to clean energy; reduce global energy intensity; and increase global renewable energy usage.

The newsletter continues with interview with UN General Assembly President Joseph Deiss on the role of the UN System in ending energy poverty, how consensus can be built around the concept of Green Economy, and whether global environmental governance can address global issues.

The newsletter closes with a piece on the African Energy Ministerial held in Johannesburg, South Africa on 15-16 September 2011. The article notes adoption of the Johannesburg Declaration that pledges to enhance work on energy in the region. [Publication: UN-Energy Newsletter]