FAO3 November 2011: Published on the newly designed Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Biotechnology website, the latest update of FAO BiotechNews highlights recent activities and publications on applications of biotechnologies in food and agriculture in developing countries by FAO, other UN bodies and the centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

This edition features stories on the following FAO Activities: discussions on ways and means of considering the application and integration of biotechnologies in the conservation and utilization of genetic resources for food and agriculture, held during the 13th session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA 13); the publication of guidelines on molecular genetic characterization of animal genetic resources; and a workshop on Rift Valley fever vaccine development, progress and constraints, held under the umbrella of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases, a joint initiative of FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

It also highlights activities of other bodies, including: FAO/International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) joint newsletters on plant breeding and genetics and on animal production and health; a workshop by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on the socio-economic impacts of living modified organisms (LMOs); and CGIAR publications on gender issues with regard to genetically modified cotton, and characterization and conservation of sheep genetic resources. [FAO Biotechnology website] [FAO BiotechNews 3-2011]