9 November 2011: The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched its Biodiversity Initiative, an interdisciplinary initiative that aims to address, in a holistic and integrated manner, all aspects related to the conservation and sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity from the perspective of UNESCO’s mandate, programmes and activities. The Initiative was launched at a side event held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, and hosted by Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, and Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

The UNESCO Biodiversity Initiative will allow UNESCO to cooperate with other members of the UN system through the ‘One UN initiative for Biodiversity’ in support of efforts by governments to implement their biodiversity commitments and to strengthen the intergovernmental science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The UNESCO Biodiversity Initiative will contribute to UNESCO’s efforts towards building inclusive, green societies and economies by investing in human development and social capital – one of the main themes at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20). [UNESCO Press Release] [Side Event Website] [UNESCO Biodiversity Initiative Website]