Ramsar17 November 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has released the report of the Seventh European Regional Meeting, which addressed major themes influencing management and use of water-related ecosystems in the coming years.

The meeting took place from 27-30 September 2011, in Trnava, Slovak Republic, and brought together National Ramsar Convention focal points from the Ministries, experts for scientific and technical matters (STRP) and those in charge of national programmes for communication, education, participation and awareness (CEPA), NGO representatives and sustainable development experts.

Participants exchanged experiences, updated newcomers about environmental challenges in the water sector and elaborated recommendations on making the best long-term use of ecosystem services provided by wetlands. They also identified areas of successful cooperation between different sectors of society, administration and private business, and assessed progress achieved in the implementation of the Convention. [Publication: Report and Recommendations of the 7th European Ramsar Meeting]