UNEP20 November 2011: At its 65th meeting, the Executive Committee (ExComm) of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF) considered the Multilateral Fund Climate Impact Indicator (MCII). The tool is intended to support the MLF Secretariat and the ExComm in understanding the climate impact of the activities proposed, based on a comparable and fair assessment, and in keeping track of the impact of HCFC-phase-out activities of the Multilateral Fund on the climate.

The 65th meeting of the ExComm took place from 13-17 November 2011, in Bali, Indonesia. According to the report of the meeting, there was general consensus that further in-depth discussions were required to clarify the exact purpose and objective of the MCII. One member underlined that the Indicator is currently used to provide the ExComm with information on climate impacts of projects. Following informal discussions, the ExComm decided: to take note of the report on the experience gained in implementing the MCII; and to continue the discussion of the Impact Indicator at its 66th meeting, based on intersessional discussions. [Report on the Multilateral Fund Climate Impact Indicator] [Report of the 65th ExComm]