CBD17 November 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has invited governments, organizations and experts to contribute their views and relevant information to an online discussion forum, aiming to facilitate input to the in-depth review (IDR) of implementation of the programme of work on island biodiversity (PoWIB) by the CBD’s Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) at its 16th meeting, scheduled for April/May 2012.

The review will measure progress in the implementation of the programme of work and will focus on: the extent of implementation; status and trends of island biodiversity and drivers of change; constraints to implementation; activities and views of relevant organizations; and key responses and suggestions to maximize the contribution of the programme of work to the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan of the Convention and its goals and targets.

The online discussion forum aims to better understand: how the PoWIB has contributed to CBD implementation on islands; how it contributes/could contribute to the needs of island Parties and Parties with islands; the PoWIB as a way to leverage funding to implement the CBD; PoWIB’s role in capacity building; and ways to improve or facilitate implementation of the programme of work. The forum will be open for comments from 21 November9 December 2011.

The PoWIB was adopted by the 8th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 8) to the CBD in 2006, and COP 9 requested the SBSTTA to undertake the IDR, for eventual consideration at COP 11 in November 2012. [CBD Notification] [Online Discussion Forum]