Dessima Williams, Aosis23 November 2011: Speaking at a press conference ahead of the 17th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Dessima Williams, Permanent Representative of Grenada and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), has called on delegates in Durban to agree on the renewal of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as on a legally-binding instrument that would allow countries that are not party to the Protocol to take “legally and internationally credible” actions.

During the press conference, which was held on 23 November 2011, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, Williams highlighted that evidence has confirmed that “the window of climate safety was closing and ambitious actions must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions before 2015.” She stressed that the window must not be allowed to close, and called on countries to act strongly to reduce emissions before it is too late. Williams outlined actions being taken in the lead-up to COP 17, including the launch of “SIDS DOCK,” an AOSIS initiative designed as a “docking station” to connect the energy sectors of small island developing States (SIDS) with the global market for finance and sustainable energy technologies, as well as with the EU and the US carbon markets.

Underlining the need to be ambitious during COP 17, she stressed that AOSIS was going into the negotiations with “high ambitions, excellent preparations, and the commitment to find partners to deliver what the world needed.” [UN Press Release] [Press Conference Webcast]