15 December 2011: The EU has launched two initiatives to support its Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: the Eco-Innovation Action Plan (EcoAP) and the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) pilot programme.

Eco-AP is expected to boost eco-friendly innovation to bridge the gap between innovation and the market. It includes actions on both the demand and supply sides, on research and industry and on policy and financial instruments, while recognizing the key role of environmental regulation as a driver of eco-innovation and foreseeing a review of environmental legislation. Implementation of the plan is expected to focus on partnership between stakeholders, private and public sector, and the European Commission.

The ETV pilot programme is expected to provide independent verification of the performance of new environmental technologies, with a view to helping manufacturers prove the reliability of performance claims, and technology purchasers identify innovations that suit their needs. The pilot programme, which is entirely voluntary, will initially cover three areas: water treatment and monitoring; materials, waste and resources; and energy technologies. [EU press release on EcoAP][EU press release on ETV pilot programme]