19 December 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published the report (FCCC/ARR/2011/ISL) of the individual review of the annual submission of Iceland submitted in 2011, according to which, in 2009, carbon dioxide accounted for 76.5% of total GHG emissions in Iceland.

In the report, the expert review team (ERT) finds the GHG inventory is generally in line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Revised 1996 Guidelines, the IPCC good practice guidance and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).

The ERT finds that the 2011 inventory submission is generally of a high quality, but identifies a need for further improvements, including: the application of higher-tier methods for estimating emissions from stationary combustion; the use of higher-tier estimation methods in the agriculture sector, especially for the categories enteric fermentation and manure management; the provision of a consistent land representation for each land use and land-use change category; and the establishment of country-specific emission factors (EFs) in the waste sector.

In the course of the review, the ERT formulated a number of recommendations relating to: the completeness of the annual submission, in particular relating to the categories reported as not estimated in the LULUCF sector; the improvement of the transparency of the reporting of methodologies, trends and choice of activity data and EFs across the different sectors; and the improvement of the estimation processes using higher-tier methods, especially for key categories. [Publication: Individual Review of the Annual Submission of Iceland Submitted in 2011]