January 2011: The European Commission (EC) has released a Communication on the 11th European Development Fund (EDF), which will run from 2014-2020. The communication describes the key elements that could factor into the Internal Agreement for the 11th EDF, which governs the implementation of EU aid for African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACPs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).

According to the EC, no major changes are proposed, compared to the structure of the 10th EDF (2008-2013). The draft Internal Agreement details proposed resources for the 11th EDF as €34.2756 billion, together with a breakdown of contributions by EU member States.

EU member States are requested to consider the content and wording of the Internal Agreement, and adopt it. The adoption will be followed by adoption of the Internal Agreement by the Council of an Implementing Regulation and a Financial Regulation for the 11th EDF. [Publication: Preparation of the multiannual financial framework regarding the financing of EU cooperation for African, Caribbean and Pacific States and Overseas Countries and Territories for the 2014-2020 period (11th European Development Fund)]