16 January 2012: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the European Commission have launched a €5.3 million, three-year project in Malawi, Viet Nam and Zambia to identify challenges and opportunities for climate-smart agriculture and produce strategic plans for each country.

Climate-smart agriculture represents approaches that lead to improved food security and livelihoods, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation benefits.

Working in collaboration with the ministries of agriculture in each country, the project will: identify country-specific opportunities for expansion of existing climate-smart practices or implementation of new ones; study current constraints, including investment costs; promote integration of climate change and agriculture strategies; identify climate finance mechanisms linked to agriculture investments; and build capacity for planning and implementing climate-smart projects.

The project will be led by the FAO in partnership with national policy and research institutions, and global organizations like the Global Crop Diversity Trust. [FAO Press Release]