17 January 2012: The latest issue of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Journal contains a number of articles on aviation and sustainability, including on: state action plans on emissions mitigation; economic measures to address carbon impacts; alternative fuels development; economic sustainability concerns; and aviation’s role in global aid and social development.

In the opening article, Jane Hupe, Chief of the ICAO Environment Branch, discusses aviation’s contribution to the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development. She highlights four key areas that can contribute to sustainability: state action plans/assistance to States; sustainable alternative fuels for aviation; market-based measures; and global aspirational goals. The Journal also features an article by Sha Zukang, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, Rio+20), who discusses the Rio+20 Conference themes and recognizes the “crucial contributions of ICAO to global sustainable air transport and to the UN’s system-wide efforts in support of global sustainability.”

An article submission from the International Transport Forum (ITF) reports on the suitability of various carbon mitigation approaches for aviation, and the sector’s twin challenges of developing low-carbon fuels and accelerating efficiency improvements in conventional technologies.

Other article submissions are from the Chief Economist for the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a representative of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), and representatives of the EUROCONTROL Environment Unit. [Publication: ICAO Journal Vol. 66, No. 6]