20 January 2012: The Oversight Committee for the Andean Community’s (CAN) biodiversity program, BioCAN, approved a budget of €4 million for 18 pilot projects during the January 2012-June 2013 period. The approved projects are expected to contribute to the development of regional biodiversity products such as the Amazon Regional Information Platform (PIRAA), guidelines for land zoning and sustainable use of Amazonian biodiversity, and norms for wildlife management.

The budget was approved at the Oversight Committee’s meeting on 18-20 January 2012, in Lima, Peru. Additional products expected from the pilot projects include, inter alia: regional plans on wildlife management and on access to genetic resources; directories of experiences and actors involved in sustainable biodiversity management experiences; a contest and trade show for Amazonian producers; and electronic forums and regional events to encourage local actors to contribute to the sustainable management of Amazonian biodiversity.

BioCAN also will seek to establish cooperation with other relevant actors, such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on access to genetic resources, the Global Environment Facility (GEF)/Latin American Development Bank (CAF)/UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) BioTrade Project on promoting sustainable commerce in Amazonian biodiversity, and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).

BioCAN was created in 2007 with funding from Finland and has been in its second phase since June 2010. It has the mission of contributing to the quality of life of CAN member countries in their Tropical Andes-Amazonian Regions “through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in an equitable manner respectful of cultural diversity.” [CAN Press Release (Spanish)] [IISD RS Story on PIRAA] [IISD RS Story on BioCAN Fund Winners]