20 January 2012: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has announced that the Government of Romania has designated two new Wetlands of International Importance, bringing its total number of Ramsar sites to eight.

The first site, Comana Natural Park (Parcul Natural Comana), hosts a high diversity of flora and fauna, including many migratory waterbirds. Many of the plant and animal species are threatened. The site plays an important role in water purification, flood protection, shoreline stabilization, groundwater recharge and stream flow maintenance. Activities carried out on the site include fishing, hunting and traditional agriculture.

According to Ramsar, the second site, Poiana Stampei Peat Bog (Tinovul Poiana Stampei), is considered the largest oligotrophic peat bog in Romania, includes several habitat types and provides a shelter for internationally rare species of fauna and flora. The site plays a role in water purification and carbon dioxide storage as the peat grows. It is mainly used for scientific research and educational purposes.

Romania’s designations contribute to one of the goals contained in the Ramsar Convention’s Strategic Plan for 2009-2015, which is to reach a protected area of 250 million hectares by 2015. [Ramsar Press Release]