RIO+2026 January 2012: The Bureau of the Preparatory Process for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) reached agreement on dates for the second round of informal-informal consultations on the Conference Outcome Document, as well as on arrangements for establishing the list of speakers during the UNCSD plenary.

Holding its 22nd meeting on 26 January 2012, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, half-way through the initial consultations on the zero draft of the Outcome Document, the Bureau agreed to provide a compilation text, rather than a new, compromise text, and that the compilation text would reflect the amendments proposed by political groups and individual States.

The Bureau also reached agreement on the proposed dates for the second round of “informal informal” negotiations. In accordance with a proposal from the Group of 77 and China (G-77/China), the Bureau agreed to hold the second round of informal-informals for a two-week period, from 23 April-4 May 2012. Following this decision, the new schedule of consultations will be:

  • First informal-informal: 19-23 March
  • Intersessional III: 26-27 March
  • Second informal-informal: 23 April-4 May

Some Bureau members conveyed the concern of countries from the Group of Western European and Other States (WEOG) regarding the “periodicity of meetings,” and their desire to move one week of consultations to the end of May or beginning of June. However, Bureau members were told that conference services facilities were only available for 23 April-4 May.

The Bureau also approved arrangements for establishing the speakers’ list for the UNCSD plenary meeting. The deadline for States to inform the UNCSD Secretariat of their level of participation is 9 March. The list of speakers then will be established through the drawing of lots at a meeting in late March. [Minutes of 22nd Bureau Meeting]