CBD3 February 2012: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has prepared a draft document on the CBD Strategy for Resource Mobilization, which has been revised in light of the comments received by Parties. The document contains methodological guidance for applying the indicators for monitoring the Strategy’s implementation, and a preliminary reporting framework.

Parties are encouraged to make use of the reporting framework and to provide the Secretariat with the required information before 1 July 2012, so the information can be compiled and made available to the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD (COP 11) in October 2012.

The draft is divided into seven sections. Following a background section, Section II reviews the indicators adopted in Decision X/3, noting the types of data needed and potential overlaps; Section III discusses the data needed for the application of the indicators, presenting this according to the Preliminary Reporting Framework (Annex I); Section IV proposes a classification of biodiversity activities for optional use; Section V provides additional methodological guidance; Section VI discusses how baselines may be developed; and Section VII details the next steps of this process.

The draft was prepared in accordance with Decision X/3, through which the COP adopted 15 indicators for monitoring the Strategy’s implementation, and decided to adopt targets for the Strategy at COP 11, provided that robust baselines have been identified and endorsed, and an effective reporting framework has been adopted. In the same decision, the Secretariat was requested to develop methodological guidance and guidelines for the application of the indicators and the establishment of a baseline year. [CBD Notification] [Publication: Strategy for Resource Mobilization: Methodological and Implementation Guidance for the Indicators for Monitoring the Implementation of the Convention’s Strategy for Resource Mobilization]