UN CC:Learn29 February 2012: The National Planning Workshop for the national UN CC:Learn Project in Uganda, titled “Strengthening Human Resources and Skills to Address Climate Change,” focused on the modalities for the development of a national strategy to strengthen human resources and skills to advance green, low-emission and climate-resilient development.

Held on 29 February 2012, in Kampala, Uganda, the workshop was organized by the Climate Change Unit of Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment. Participants considered, among other things, the methodology, terms of reference and work plan for developing the national strategy, which would support Uganda in meeting its obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

In her opening remarks at the workshop, Flavia Nabugere Munaaba, Uganda’s Minister of State of Environment, underlined the importance of human resources development in ensuring implementation of the country’s National Development Plan, which includes climate change as one of the priorities. She called for the UN CC:Learn project to lead to “practical and cost-effective” proposals for strengthening human resources. The workshop also provided an opportunity for participants to take stock of existing national climate change priorities, initiatives and related capacity development challenges.

The UN CC:Learn project in Uganda is part of a pilot initiative involving five countries, also including Benin, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia and Malawi, which aims to foster a strategic and results-based approach to climate change learning and skills development through national institutions/systems. The One UN Training Service Platform on Climate Change (UN CC:Learn) is a collaborative initiative involving 32 UN agencies that supports Member States, UN agencies and other development partners in designing and implementing country-driven, results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The UN CC:Learn Secretariat is serviced by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). [UN CC:Learn Press Release]