UNEP14 March 2012: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced that the Government of Norway is providing US$1.5 million to the Ethiopian Environment Ministry to upscale activities to address climate change in vulnerable communities. The grant is intended to assist communities in addressing food insecurity and environmental degradation linked to climate change.

According to UNEP, the Norwegian funds will assist in scaling up the efforts in Ethiopia spear-headed by a UNEP and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) under the Climate Change and Development-Adapting by Reducing Vulnerability (CC DARE) project. CC DARE has carried out community-based climate change activities in 11 sub-Saharan Africa.

UNEP reports that climate change adaptation projects under the initiative include generating income sources for farmers through activities such as beekeeping, fruit cultivation and fish farming. Emphasis will also be placed on conservation of water resources through rainwater harvesting. [UNEP Press Release]