23 March 2012: The International Conference on Wetland Forests, which was co-hosted by Wetlands International and the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam through the Forestry Department, considered the theme “forests biodiversity – towards green economy.” The event aimed to promote sustainable management of Brunei’s peat forests and mangrove forests.

The Conference, which was held on 22-23 March 2012, at Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, was organized in conjunction with the World Forestry Day celebrations on 21 March 2012. It brought together over 100 participants, including representatives from Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, the Netherlands and the UK.

Participants heard a presentation by the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) on “the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the Conservation and Wise Use of Wetland Forests.” Other sessions addressed, inter alia: carbon financing; climate change adaptation and mitigation through mangrove conservation and rehabilitation; and community based approaches (silvofisheries, bio-rights and blue carbon).

At the Conference, the Government of Brunei announced its intention to accede to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands during 2012. [Conference Programme] [Wetland International Conference Announcement]