17 April 2012: The UN System Chief Executives Board (CEB), which brings together the executive Heads of the organizations of the UN system and is chaired by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, developed a joint statement to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) at its recent meeting.

The CEB met on 14-15 April 2012, for its Spring 2012 regular session. The Joint CEB Statement on Rio+20, dated 17 April 2012, calls for, inter alia: adopting sustainable development goals (SDGs), as part of an integrated, coherent agenda for addressing the critical changes of the post-2015 period; reinvigorating Agenda 21’s global partnership for sustainable development and significantly scaling up our achievements to date; quickly reaching a binding agreement to limit greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions to prevent mass migration and displacement from climate change impacts; using far fewer energy and resources for growth in the 21st Century, polluting less, generating sufficient decent work, and including all sectors of the population, including women and youth; and making the transition to an inclusive green economy, enabled by sufficient institutional and policy space.

The Statement further stresses the need for Rio+20 to deliver a firm commitment in regard to the SDGs and identify the critical areas for the further careful elaboration of goals by an agreed deadline; and for all States and stakeholders to come to Rio+20 ready to announce and launch new voluntary initiatives for sustainable development that will make a measurable difference to peoples’ lives and the welfare of ecosystems. [Joint CEB Statement on Rio+20] [UNCSD Website]