FAO7 May 2012: The Peruvian Government has formally asked the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to coordinate the various entities and initiatives, public and private, national and international, involved with its forestry sector. The request was formulated during an FAO programming mission to Peru in April 2012.

Peru receives technical and financial support in the forest sector from several donor countries, including the US, Germany, Japan and Finland, as well as from several international organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Peru’s forestry sector has also been the major recipient of FAO technical and financial assistance, with 20 forestry projects at the national level during the period 1960-2011.

Since 2011, FAO has worked closely with Peru’s Environment and Agriculture Ministries, with financial support from Finland, on a US$6 million, three-year project called “National Inventory of Forests and Sustainable Forest Management of Peru in the Face of Climate Change.” This project has three components: a multi-purpose National Forest Monitoring and Inventory (MINF) to provide comprehensive, reliable information on which to develop policies; the elaboration of comprehensive National Forestry Programmes (NFP) and Policies to tie together policies on forest development, poverty reduction, climate change and use of the soil; and a programme of technical assistance to promote sustainable forest management (SFM) among indigenous communities. [FAO Press Release (in Spanish)]