16 June 2012: The third meeting of the UNCSD PrepCom concluded at 12:16 am on Saturday, 16 June 2012, following a full day of negotiations in multiple “splinter” groups and informal consultations. The PrepCom invited Brazil to conduct “pre-conference informal consultations led by the host country” during the four days before Rio+20 opens.

During a late night session on 15 June 2012, at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), Co-Chair John Ashe invited facilitators from the 14 splinter groups to present their progress reports. The Secretariat presented a compilation of statistics about the draft, indicating that 116 paragraphs have been agreed ad referendum, and 199 are yet to be agreed.

Ashe then called to order the first formal meeting of the third session of the PrepCom. The meeting elected two new vice-chairs, Mootaz Ahmadein Bahieeldin Khalil (Egypt) and Josefina Bunge (Argentina), to represent Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, respectively, replacing outgoing officers. Delegates adopted the agenda (A/CONF.216/PC/10).

At the suggestion of Co-Chair Ashe, the PrepCom decided that the host country should take over the consultation process until the start of the Conference on 20 June. Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota said much work remained, but that consultations with many delegations have deepened Brazil’s understanding of where efforts need to be concentrated. Co-Chair Ashe pledged the Bureau’s support during the consultations.

The Rules of Procedure were adopted on the understanding that 11 rules would remain bracketed, subject to further consultation. The PrepCom then adopted its report after Tania Raguz, Rapporteur, outlined its contents.

UNCSD Secretary-General Sha Zakung underscored that only two-and-a-half days remain before Heads of State and Government arrive, and urged delegates to demonstrate political courage. Co-Chair Ashe closed the third PrepCom at 12:16 am. [IISD RS Earth Negotiations Bulletin Coverage of UNCSD Negotiations]