25 June 2012: The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has made available an updated version of the Technical Guidelines for Collecting Plant Genetic Resources on the website of the Crop Genebank Knowledge Base, established under CGIAR’s System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP).

Originally published in 1995 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the guidelines provide guidance on all steps of the collection of crop plants, trees, wild species, symbiotic bacteria and fungi, pollen and DNA. The guidelines were updated in 2011 and complemented to cover additional related topics including: ecogeographic surveys, using tools for data management, and recording; taxonomic identification; and legal issues.The chapters also provide references and complementary Internet resources.

Funded by the World Bank, the SGRP aims to support efficient and effective ex situ conservation of crop genetic resources through facilitating easy access to knowledge and best practices for genebank management of selected crops and to many aspects of general genebank management. [Publication: Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines – 2011 Update]