23 July 2012: A new study published by the Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and EcoAgriculture Partners highlights the results of six African agricultural carbon projects. Researchers found that communities are benefiting from a range of activities related to planting and managing trees on farms.

Researchers found that, while direct carbon payments to farmers were low, projects successfully established systems for financial management, agricultural extension, and carbon monitoring involving a complex set of partnerships. They established institutional relationships with farmers through small farmers’ groups and clusters, which enable broad participation, efficient contracting, timely communication, provision of extension services, benefit-sharing, and gender-focused activities.

The study, titled “Institutional Innovations in African Smallholder Carbon Projects,” features six individual case studies of the projects. CCAFS is a programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [Publication: Institutional Innovations in African Smallholder Carbon Projects] [CCAFS Press Release]