July 2012: The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), as the organizer of Forest Day 6, which will be held alongside the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC, has issued an open call for organizations to participate and host Discussion Forums.

The Steering Committee will choose eight themes and will close the first round of applications on 30 July 2012. A second round of applications may be submitted by 30 August 2012. Proposed themes include: social safeguards – protecting the territorial rights of indigenous peoples; financing REDD+ – closing the gap; solutions for a cultivated planet; governance frameworks for REDD+; forest landscape restoration; adapting to climate change – competing for funds; drivers of deforestation – exploring regional differences and new patterns; national forest monitoring systems for REDD+; forest, climate change, and global and regional rainfall patterns; and mangrove and wetlands.

Forest Day 6 will take place on 2 December 2012, in Doha, Qatar. [Call for Applications for Forest Day 6 Discussion Forums]