11 August 2012: The Commonwealth Youth Climate Network (CYCN) has published two reports summarizing the participation of its members at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) and at London+20, an event co-organized by the youth delegation.

London+20 was co-organized by various organizations, including CYCN, the Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest, the British Youth Council, Staftay Empowerment Initiative, Road to Rio+20, GEEBIZ and Dare2Lead. It was held in London, UK, on 5 June 2012, under the theme “The UK Youth committed to The Future We Want!’” The report presents an overview of the event, including its objectives and outcomes. London+20 discussions focused on: informal education for sustainable development; green jobs for youth; global governance for sustainable development; and sustainable cities.

The Rio+20 participation report highlights the objectives of the Network’s participation at Rio+20 and describes its preparation for the Conference. The report also outlines activities undertaken by the Network both before and during Rio+20, such as its participation at the International Youth Blast and the meetings of the UNCSD Preparatory Committee (PrepComs), as well as its organization of a side event during Rio+20, called “Achieving a sustainable future in Rio: what can do a ‘’Blue Economy?”

According to the report, outcomes of the CYCN’s participation at Rio+20 include increasing membership of the Network, enabling potential future collaboration of the Network with the Youth Affairs Division of the African Union (AU), and creating networking opportunities. [Publication: London+20 Report] [Publication: Rio+20 Report]