September 2012: The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) have released five background reports as part of a DESA Working Paper Series, titled “Alternative Development Strategies for the Post-2015 era.” The reports reflect the outcome of a CDP research programme to evaluate past experiences and analyze an alternative international development strategy for equitable and sustainable progress for all.

“Learning from the past: Which of the past/current development strategies are best suited to deal with the ‘quadruple crisis’?” uses 11 indicators to evaluate and rank seven development strategies, to determine which could help solve the “quadruple crisis” of worsening environmental conditions, financial stability, food prices and income inequality.

“Should global goal setting continue, and how, in the post-2015 era?” examines the ethical commitments, policy purpose, political origins and consequences of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sakiko Fukuda-Parr proposes basing the post-2015 goals on equity, human security and sustainability to address challenges such as inequality, unemployment, market instability and climate change.

“Building a stable and equitable global monetary system” argues for the role of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). “From aid to global development policy” reviews changing international realities that demand reforms in the international aid system. “The international development strategy beyond 2015: taking demographic dynamics into account” recommends a comprehensive approach to demographic challenges, including investments in education, skill formation and upgrading, when defining the post-2015 strategy.

The reports will be part of a forthcoming 12-chapter, edited volume identifying development strategies to generate economic growth and job creation while ensuring environmental sustainability and social equity.

DESA Working Papers are preliminary documents designed to stimulate critical comments and discussions on economic, environmental and social issues related to the UN Development Agenda. CDP is a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC) that provides advice and inputs to the Council on emerging development issues. [DESA Press Release] [Publication: Should global goal setting continue, and how, in the post-2015 era] [Publication: Learning from the past: Which of the past/current development strategies are best suited to deal with the ‘quadruple crisis’]