20 September 2012: Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, and Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming have signed an agreement to help finance efforts to reach environmental, energy- and carbon-intensity targets. The agreement will contribute to reducing Chinese greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The agreement will also foster technical cooperation to provide cost-effective emissions reductions and promote low carbon technologies, as well as exchange experiences and knowledge to make the transition to a low-carbon and green economy. Projects financed by the agreement will take place over four years and support actions on water, waste and heavy metal pollution, the development of an emission trading system (ETS), and the promotion of sustainable urbanization.

On the sidelines of the first EU-China Mayors’ Forum, which took place in Brussels, Belgium, from 19-20 September 2012, Chinese and European Mayors signed a pledge to cooperate on the development of sustainable cities. The pledge acknowledges that cities in Europe and China have the same mission to improve living standards and address similar challenges, including local action on climate change and the creation of sustainable economic activity. [EU Press Release: Mayors Sign Pledge] [EU Press Release: EU, China Join Forces] [EU China Mayors’ Forum Website]