Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum - Overview and OutcomesOctober 2012: The Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum has released a report, titled “Overview and Outcomes,” which reviews its activities at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The document highlights leading corporate practices in key sustainability areas and lists approximately 200 commitments to action announced by corporate leaders. The document aims to form the basis for identifying the most promising pathways to transform markets to contribute to a more sustainable world.

The document notes that the Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum served as a launching ground for hundreds of new activities, resources and commitments to action, including: 200 commitments to action announced by companies during the Forum; the mobilization by the Global Compact Network Brazil of a large-scale commitment, whereby over 200 CEOs of Brazilian companies endorsed the Business Contributions to the Promotion of a Green and Inclusive Economy which lays out 10 commitments to be made by the end of 2012; the launch of a new corporate policy framework to assist companies in the development, implementation and disclosure of policies and practices related to ecosystems and biodiversity; and the launch of a social enterprise investment framework, designed for large corporations, institutional investors and governments interested in incubating and scaling up for-profit start-ups and small enterprises with social and environmental missions. [Overview and Outcomes: Summary Report]