GFEI18 October 2012: Fifty participants from 20 African countries convened at UN Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters for the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) regional launch in Africa. Motivated by high rates of vehicle growth in Africa, the workshop aimed to identify policy shortcomings and the need to monitor vehicle import trends as a strategy to promote fuel efficient cars.

Participants considered the results from two GFEI country pilots in Kenya and Ethiopia, which demonstrated the potential for African countries to take advantage of improvements in the vehicle fuel economy.

The regional workshop to launch the GFEI in Africa took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15-16 October 2012. Participants identified challenges and recommendations for implementing GFEI in Africa. On challenges, the workshop noted baseline calculation difficulties owing to poor vehicle data, and a lack of legal and institutional framework to support GFEI.

On recommendations, workshop participants considered ways to support fuel economy improvements nationally by way of political strategies, economic policies, regulatory frameworks and cross-cutting measures. They also recommended that, inter alia, a sub-regional approach be used to address vehicle fuel efficiency and increase public awareness towards the GFEI’s goals.

According to the GFEI, a move across the global fleet towards better fuel economy at a scale which is already technically achievable, could save over six billion barrels of oil per year by 2050, and close to half of carbon dioxide emissions from cars, as well as generate significant local air pollution benefits – and all using existing, cost-effective technologies.

GFEI is a partnership among the FIA Foundation, the International Energy Agency (IEA), ITF and UNEP. The GFEI is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the EU. [Global Fuel Economy Updates] [Recommendations of the Regional Launch of the GFEI in Africa]