UNFCCC2 November 2012: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the fourth workshop report on furthering the understanding of the diversity of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing country parties, underlying assumptions, and any support needed for implementation of these actions (FCCC/AWGLCA/2012/INF.7).

The workshop was held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 2 September 2012, during the informal additional session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA).

The workshop report features sections on the organization of the workshop, a summary of the proceedings and possible next steps. Two annexes include the workshop’s agenda and questions for discussion. The workshop addressed: NAMAs underlying assumptions and methodologies, sectors and gases covered; and issues related to the provision of support for NAMA preparation and implementation.

On underlying assumptions and methodologies, parties addressed, among other issues: NAMA implementation contingent on provision of, inter alia, financial resources; the possibility of reporting on a range of indicators of implementation and on estimated mitigation outcomes; lack of reliable data and high costs in setting up robust measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems; and the development of multisectoral baseline scenarios. Participants emphasized the challenge that NAMA poses in methodological terms, with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) being a possible source of methodologies, as well as internationally accepted guidelines. Parties also underscored the need for effective and efficient national financial schemes to facilitate the mobilization of finance for NAMA implementation.

On support needs, parties discussed: ongoing collaboration initiatives to support NAMA identification and implementation; use of national resources by developing parties for NAMA preparation and implementation; lack of cohesion of several supportive initiatives; and the need for further support for NAMA implementation.

On possible next steps, parties suggested, inter alia: following the process under the subsidiary bodies or under the biennial update reports and the process of international consultation and analysis (ICA); that the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) be requested to discuss methodological issues and information on different NAMAs; and that the Secretariat compile available information on NAMAs. It was further suggested that capacity building activities could include the development of a handbook on the preparation and implementation of NAMAs. [Publication: Workshop Report on NAMAs by Developing Countries]