UNECE12 November 2012: The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has reported that the Government of Portugal has accepted an amendment to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention). Portugal’s accession brings to 25 the number of countries that have approved it, with two acceptances remaining for the amendment to enter into force.

The amendment will open the Convention to signatories outside of the UNECE region, making it the first global water treaty. The globalization of the Convention is expected to be discussed at the upcoming sixth Meeting of the Parties (MOP 6) to the Convention, taking place in Rome, Italy, from 28-30 November 2012. Over 20 non-UNECE countries are expected to attend MOP 6, and UNECE notes that is anticipated that some may announce their intention to accede to the Water Convention at the meeting. [UNECE Press Release]