1 December 2012: On the sidelines of the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii met with participants to discuss “GEF 2020,” the GEF’s long-term strategic vision. Moderated by Robert Dixon, the event highlighted how the Facility intends to mainstream its work “on the ground.”

Naoko Ishii explained that the business as usual scenario is no longer acceptable and called for the incorporation of natural capital valuation in development policies. She stressed that GEF’s core mission is to be a “protector of the global commons,” as well as a catalyst of knowledge and expertise that could bridge present and new sources of finance.

Ishii recalled the need to connect political leadership with technical know-how by establishing “strategic partnerships,” citing the example of integrated water management in the Danube River basin and a conservation trust fund for rainforest protection in the Brazilian Amazon.

She highlighted that country ownership if the most important principle for the GEF, stressing that the “time to act is now.” [IISD RS Coverage]