UNEP Risoe5 December 2012: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risø Centre (URC) has published its December newsletter, featuring stories on its Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project and electrification in Africa. It also spotlights initiatives and progress on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), including support by both the Africa Carbon Asset Development (ACAD) Partnership and UNEP Risø’s Green Facility, capacity building in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region and loan schemes.

By spring 2013, the 36 countries participating in the TNA project will complete their national Technology Action Plans (TAPs), according to the newsletter. The TNA project assists developing countries in identifying the best technologies for climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts, including new equipment, knowledge, skills and techniques. Countries then identify financing and project activities.

Strong, sustained government support is the “single most important pre-condition for a successful electricity-access programme,” the newsletter reports. URC examined the experiences of Ghana, Morocco and South Africa in increasing their electrification rates and found government support, clear institutional responsibility, long-term, integrated programmes and strong community engagement were key factors in increasing electrification. The report also highlights African commitments under the Sustainable Energy For All Initiative (SE4ALL), which aims to achieve sustainable energy for all by 2030 through: ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

The newsletter goes on to provide an update on the ACAD partnership between the German Government, Standard Bank, UNEP and URC aims to reduce early-stage development costs for low-carbon investments projects in Africa and to improve literacy about such projects. It also notes that in the ACP region, URC’s CDM Capacity Building Programme provides ACP countries with training, advice and consultations on CDM project identification, design and implementation to help them access the carbon market.

The newsletter also highlights: Ghana’s registration of its first CDM project following assistance from UNEP Risø’s Green Facility; a new Emissions Gap Report that shows a widening gap between greenhouse gas (GHG) projections and climate goals; a NAMA partnership launched at the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC in Doha, Qatar; activities under the Facilitating Implementation and Readiness for Mitigation (FRIM) Initiative; the Promoting Low-Carbon Transport in India project; a Danida Fellowship Course on green energy and carbon markets; and the “NAMAAcademy,” which coaches public officials on formulating local or national policy initiatives for NAMAs; and recent publications. [Publication: UNEP Risø Centre December Newsletter] [IISD RS Story on Gap Report] [IISD RS Coverage of NAMA Partnership Launch]