The World We Want 201510 January 2013: The Africa-wide CSO Working Group on Post-2015 has announced outreach and consultation arrangements for the third meeting of the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) (also referred to as the second substantive meeting). The meeting will take place in Monrovia, Liberia, from 30 January-2 February 2013.

The announcement outlines the criteria and selection process for participants. On 28 January, 60 civil society (CSO) participants will have the opportunity to meet in a CSO Pre-Consultative Forum to prepare for engagement with the HLP. Of that group, 40 participants will go on to attend outreach meetings with the HLP on 30 January, where a series of town hall and round table discussions will focus on CSO and marginalized perspectives on the meeting’s themes.

The African CSO Working Group is leading the organization of these civil society outreach events, with Focal Point groups for Women and Gender, Disabled and Aged, and Children and Youth, who can be reached for further details.

Also according to the announcement, the meeting is being organized around the central theme of “National Building Blocks for Sustained Prosperity,” focusing particularly on economic transformation. There is a proposed focus on “African Perspectives and Positions” for meeting discussion. The main objectives are: to discuss an outline for the Panel report; identify drivers of economic transformation to be considered in the global agenda; to share consultation findings with HLP members; and to identify issues to be discussed at Panel’s fourth (third substantive) meeting in Bali, Indonesia, from 24-27 March 2013. [CSO Arrangements] [Beyond 2015 Announcement] [World We Want 2015 Website]