16 January 2013: UN-Energy and the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Initiative have launched the Global Thematic Consultation on Energy, in partnership with the Governments of Mexico and Norway. The Consultation aims to: contribute to a dialogue on the role of energy in a post-2015 framework; mobilize stakeholders to build a vision on priority areas and global objectives on energy; and ensure that the Consultation findings contribute to the post-2015 framework and related processes.

The Consultation on Energy includes two phases of e-discussions, hosted on the World We Want 2015 platform. The first phase, from 16 January-3 February, considers: “Why energy matters, what are the challenges and opportunities, and what can we do about it?” Discussion topics include: energy access, energy efficiency; renewable energy; and the energy-sustainable development nexus. The second phase, from 4-17 February, will consider: “How can we effectively integrate energy issues into the post-2015 development framework?” Discussion topics include determining global goals, targets and indicators, and integrating energy in post-2015 discussions and implementation. A Framing Paper on Energy proposes additional e-discussion questions and topics, including on the linkages between energy and climate change, food policy, gender and water.

The Consultation also will include face-to-face consultations with business, civil society, government and youth in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Consultations will take place on the margins of the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) on 1 February 2013. Findings from the e-discussions and meetings will contribute to a final report, which is expected by 31 March 2013, proposing recommendations on engaging stakeholders and integrating energy into the post-2015 agenda. The Consultation will culminate in a high-level meeting in Oslo, Norway, on 9 April 2013, which will consider the recommendations and develop an “Oslo Declaration” on key energy recommendations and potential global energy objectives.

Participants can submit comments and views on the World We Want 2015 platform and on Twitter (#Energy2015). The discussion moderators are: Richenda Van Leeuwen, UN Foundation; Nebojsa Nakicenovic, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); and Leena Srivastava, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

In addition to UN-Energy and the SE4ALL Initiative, the Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the World Bank, with the support of UN Development Programme (UNDP), comprise the Consultation Steering Committee.

Energy is one of 11 themes being addressed on a global level by the UN Development Group’s (UNDG) consultations on the post-2015 development agenda. [Energy Consultation Website] [Publication: The Future We Want: Background Paper for Global Energy Consultation]