January 2013: The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has released a publication titled “An Agroforestry Guide for Field Practitioners,” which is based on ten-years worth of experience in land management within the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The guide introduces the concept of agroforestry and its potential benefits for production and the provision of ecosystem services.

The publication highlights factors impacting agroforestry development in the country including policy and incentives, land tenure, technical support, market access, agroforestry practitioner profiles and biophysical conditions. The guide also outlines a six step process for implementing agroforestry: determining the objectives, assessing current practices, designing field practices, implementing agroforestry actions, measuring and sharing results, and scaling up good practices and refining implementation.

The guide profiles specific examples of income generation from agroforestry including bee-keeping, silk production, resin harvesting, fish farming, livestock and fodder production and non-timber forest products. The manual also provides information and advice on becoming an extension officer. [Publication: An Agroforestry Guide for Field Practitioners]