17 January 2013: During the 19th Meeting of the Council of the Mekong River Commission (MRC), the EU extended over US$6 million to help the MRC respond to climate change in the Mekong River basin. The funding will contribute to the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) up through 2015, through the EU’s Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA).

The meeting took place from 15-17 January 2013, in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, in conjunction with the MRC 17th Dialogue Meeting and 17th Donor Consultative Group Meeting.

In addition to statements from MRC member countries, the Council meeting included discussions of, among other things: management and financial matters; MRC matters; a regional perspective on Mekong water resources development; MRC strategies, procedures and policies; and progress of development partner support and funding. Under strategies, procedures and policies, the MRC considered, inter alia: a progress report on the study of sustainable management and development of the Mekong River; progress on implementation of the MRC Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)-based Basin Development Strategy; and progress on the preparation of a regional roadmap and national roadmaps on core functions and decentralization.

A statement was presented by the Joint Development Partners, which confirms the Development Partners’ ongoing commitment to engage with and support the MRC, and, among other recommendations: encourages MRC member countries to facilitate a transparent process that allows observers to hold official status; and welcomes efforts to ensure that all Lower Mekong development complies with the MRC’s preliminary design guidance and international hydropower sustainability standards.

The meeting was followed by a field trip to the Xayaburi Hydropower Project site. [19th Meeting of the Council of the Mekong River Commission Website] [MRC Press Release]