1 February 2013: The UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) has communicated its vision “to end poverty in all its forms in the context of sustainable development and to have in place the building blocks of sustained prosperity for all,” following its meeting in Monrovia, Liberia, on 30 January-1 February 2013.

The Panel’s meeting, the third to date, focused on the theme “National Building Blocks for Sustained Prosperity.” Panel members discussed development, economic transformation, inclusive growth, and fragile and conflict-affected states during the meeting, which resulted in a Communiqué that describes the HLP’s visions and highlights key discussions.

In the Communiqué, the HLP says that achieving structural transformations through a global development agenda will involve: sustainable growth with equity, including the promotion of good governance, accountable institutions, the rule of law and women’s empowerment; creating wealth through sustainable and transparent management of natural resources; and partnerships with national and local governments, civil society and the private sector.

The Communiqué recommends a transformational agenda that improves competitiveness, develops infrastructure, creates jobs, raises productivity and promotes sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and green growth.

The Communiqué also describes Panel members’ participation in outreach sessions with civil society organizations (CSOs), and the HLP’s commitment to an “open, inclusive and transparent process” in formulating the post-2015 agenda. The Communiqué highlights the Panel’s agreement “to make every effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015” while also moving forward with a single, cohesive post-2015 agenda that integrates economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection.

The Communique notes that the meeting in Monrovia is “the midway point” of the Panel’s consultative process, which will continue until its next meeting in Bali, Indonesia, from 25-27 March 2013. The previous two HLP meetings took place in London, UK, and New York, US. [Publication: Communiqué: Meeting of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda in Monrovia, Liberia] [Website of High-level Panel]