GEF28 January 2013: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has released a Mercury Factsheet detailing US$8.3 million in approved expenditures for 12 mercury-related projects during the Fifth GEF Replenishment period (GEF-5).

The fact sheet describes the project area, funding amount, approval date and key outcomes of mercury projects in 16 countries: Burkina Faso, China, Ecuador, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Mali, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Tanzania, Uruguay, Viet Nam and Zambia.

Examples of supported activities include mercury inventories, reduction of the use of mercury in the health sector, and reduction of emissions from artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). The fact sheet notes the four agencies responsible for implementing the projects: the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the World Bank, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

The US$8.3 million in GEF-5 funding for approved mercury projects comes from US$15 million GEF-5 funding allocated to mercury projects between 2008 and 2012. [Publication: GEF Mercury Factsheet]