5 February 2013: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has released a “Practical guide for socio-economic livelihood, land tenure and rights surveys for use in collaborative ecosystem-based land use planning,” which is meant to help field practitioners conduct socio-economic surveys of household and villages as the basis for collaborative land-use planning.

The Guide helps users develop a greater understanding of community land tenure, community resource use and the institutional structures that govern local systems of rights. The process begins with engaging local communities in order to build the trust and capacity that will help avert possible future conflicts. The publication also describes different interview techniques, approaches to planning and best practices in designing surveys so that the data can address survey objectives. Supporting documents provide sampling techniques, guidance for community meetings, interviewing techniques and example templates. The Guide is an element of the European Union (EU) funded project on Collaborative Land Use Planning and Sustainable Institutional Arrangements.

The Guide is available in English and Indonesian. CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [Publication: Practical guide for socio-economic livelihood, land tenure and rights surveys for use in collaborative ecosystem-based land use planning]