6 February 2013: The 2013 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum was held on the theme “resilient dynamism” and focused on three pillars: leading through adversity; strengthening societal resilience; and restoring economic dynamism.

During the meeting, which was held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, from 23-27 January 2013, participants considered, among other things, how the global economy can be revived and restored to a path of growth and increased employment. The meeting provided a platform for high-level participants to share ideas and solutions for addressing global, regional, industry and business challenges.

The programme included discussions on a wide variety of sustainable development topics relevant to the current global economy, including those relating to: designing a sustainable future which involves closing the poverty gap and responding to rapid urbanization; ensuring sustainable growth and development within the limits of the Earth’s resources; building climate change resilience; ensuring food security; promoting energy security and securing energy access; promoting and producing “green” energy; building economic resilience; catalyzing innovative development partnerships; and addressing global social and environmental challenges through investments.

Speaking at the meeting, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged participants to increase their efforts to achieve global targets on health and education. Stressing that education fosters economic growth and will also help build a peaceful and sustainable future, he called for it to be a top priority on the global political and development agendas. [Report of World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013] [Meeting Website] [UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Statement]