UNDP7 February 2013: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has published assessments of climate-related Investment and Financial Flows (I&FF) in 15 countries, in order to provide decision makers with information on timing, sources, investment entities and other key factors relevant to climate finance.

The assessments, conducted with national partners from Ministries of Planning, Finance, Environment, as well as the private sector, academia and non-profit organizations, inquired into national needs for addressing climate change in select sectors, and the financial landscape required to achieve those needs. Topics covered by the assessments include, adaptation and mitigation options for key sectors in the next 25 years, overall needs for additional I&FF to address climate change, and policies and incentives to induce required changes.

The assessments were conducted as part of a US$6 million UNDP project on Capacity Development for Policy Makers to Address Climate Change, aimed to increase national capacity to coordinate ministerial views, participate in the UNFCCC process, and negotiate positions within the timeframe of the Bali Road Map.

The following 15 countries conducted I&FF assessments: Bangladesh, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Gambia, Honduras, Liberia, Namibia, Niger, Paraguay, Peru, Togo, Turkmenistan and Uruguay. The assessments were completed with funding from the Governments of Norway, Switzerland, and Finland, as well as from UNDP and the UN Foundation. [Climate Finance Options Press Release] [Capacity Development for Policy Makers to Address Climate Change Website]