7 February 2013: Members of the European Parliament discussed corporate social responsibility (CSR) and adopted two reports on the topic, during its February 2013 meeting in Strasbourg, Germany. The Parliament called on businesses to become more responsible by pursuing strategies for sustainable growth.

One report, by the Legal Affairs Committee, calls on corporations to incorporate environmental and social policies into their business strategies, in balance with the responsibilities of public authorities. A report from the Employment and Social Affairs Committee calls for businesses to provide adequate pay and pensions while promoting health, safety, and ethical practices throughout the supply chain, and suggests concrete ideas for an EU CSR strategy.

The European Commission released a new policy on CSR in October 2011, to be implemented from 2011-2014. Focuses of this policy include: company reporting on environmental and social information; enhancing the visibility of CSR practices; and creation of national and subnational policies. [European Parliament Press Release] [CSR Europe Press Release] [Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Press Release] [European Commission CSR Policy]